24 cores (8 P-cores + 16 E-cores) and 32 threads Performance hybrid architecture integrates two core microarchitectures, prioritizing and distributing workloads to optimize performance Up to 5.8 GHz unlocked. 36M Cache Compatible with Intel 600 series and 700 series chipset-based motherboards Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0, and PCIe 5.0 & 4.0 support. Intel Optane Memory support. No thermal solution included. Discrete graphics required

JD489 JD519-5.78%

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i9-13900K and i9-13900KF

13th Gen Intel Core i9-13900KF desktop processor

Stream, create and compete at the highest levels. Push your gameplay beyond performance with 13th Gen Intel Core processors.

Key Specs

Processor base power:125W
Intel Smart Cache:36MB
Motherboard compatibility:600 and 700 series
Total CPU PCIe lanes:20
Maximum Memory Speed:DDR5 5600, DDR4 3200
Unlocked & overclockable?(2):Yes
Discrete graphics card req?No
Intel Turbo Boost Max 3.0?:Yes

Key Features

Game and multitask without interruption.

Personalize your PC.

Designed for the needs of today’s gamers.

Game and multitask without interruption.

  • 24 cores (8 P-cores + 16 E-cores).
  • 32 threads.
  • Push your in-game settings without worrying about background tasks slowing you down.
  • Up to 5.8 GHz Max Clock Speed.(1)
  • Unlocked and overclockable.(2)

Designed for the needs of today’s gamers.

  • The latest version of performance hybrid architecture will push your gameplay beyond performance, giving you the power to do it all.
  • Performance-cores unleashes the capability to optimize the latest games and gaming software.
  • Efficient-cores provides multitasking power to work, play, and most importantly game together.

Personalize your PC.

  • Support for both DDR4 and DDR5 gives you control over your memory configuration.(4)
  • Support for Thunderbolt 4 technology offers a simple and fast way to connect peripherals.
  • Connect quickly and without interference with support for Intel Killer Wi-Fi 6/6E (Gig+).(5)
  • Enhanced overclocking for both sets of cores allows you to customize your performance.(2)